2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program 2024年山西中医药大学中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目招生简章

2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program

2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine

Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program


2024年中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目


2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program 2024年山西中医药大学中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目招生简章

Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine



I.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Introduction

Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was approved by the State Council in 1982 and renamed Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine by the Ministry of Education in 2017, and in the same year, it was identified as a project construction university of doctoral degree granting units in Shanxi Province. It is a university jointly established by the People’s Government of Shanxi Province and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the first batch of pilot universities of the Ministry of Education for the reform of excellent doctor (Traditional Chinese Medicine) education and training program, and a university qualified to recommend excellent graduates with bachelor degrees to study their master degrees without examination. It is granted to enroll TCM majors with a “5+3” (five-year bachelor and three-year master education) integrated education system. It is a demonstration university for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education and reform in Shanxi province, and one of the three universities in the province that have been entrusted to accept students on Chinese Government Scholarships.


Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine now has perfect infrastructure and sufficient resources for running schools. At present, there are 2 campuses in Taiyuan and Jinzhong, covering an area of 1091 Mu (72.73 hectares). It has 15 secondary teaching institutions, 5 affiliated hospitals, 47 clinical practice teaching bases, 27 non-clinical practice teaching bases, and 23 undergraduate majors covering a wide range of disciplines such as medicine, engineering, management, science and so on. There are totally 5,286 teaching and nursing staff, 780 full-time teachers, and 374 teachers with senior professional and technical positions. There are 3 Masters of Chinese Medicine, 6 National Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, 1 National Teaching Master, 1 National Outstanding Young Scientist, 1 national candidate for the “New Century Talents Project”, 1 Qihuang Scholar, 6 Young Qihuang Scholars, 2 outstanding talents of the New Century Excellent Researcher Award Program from the Ministry of Education, 51 instructors for the inheritance of academic experience from elderly experts of TCM, and 19 outstanding clinical talents of Chinese medicine. There are 1 provincial-level Young Scientist, 31 academic and technical leaders, 58 famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, 35 famous doctors, and 59 guidance teachers for the inheritance of academic experience of old traditional Chinese medicine experts; 37 doctoral supervisors, 803 master’s supervisors, 25 experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, and 14 teaching masters. There are also 3 excellent teaching teams in Shanxi Province, 1 provincial scientific and technological innovation team, 7 key teams, and 1 provincial-level key innovation team of “1331 Project”.


The university started to enroll international students since 2002 and was approved to enroll students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas in 2008.  Actively responding to “the Belt and Road Initiative”, it is one of the earliest members of “the Belt and Road” University Alliance among Chinese medicine colleges and universities. So farit has enrolled 184 undergraduate students and 2 master’s degree students from the countries along the route. It has hosted international acupuncture and moxibustion training courses endorsed by the Ministry of Commerce for 20 consecutive years and maintained good cooperative relationship with academic institutions in more than 20 countries, including the UK, Australia and New Zealand and so on.


II.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Program Category

高水平研究生项目 (学校代码:10809 )

High-level Graduate Program (University Code: 10809 )


III.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Funding Category, Duration

( ) 资助类别

1. Funding Category


Master’s degree program.

() 资助期限

2. Funding Duration

包括中文补习 (预科) 和专业学习时间。中文补习 (预科) 资助期限一般为一年,专业学习资助期限原则上与基本修业年限一致。

This period includes the time for Chinese language study (preparatory course) and major study. The funding period for Chinese language study (preparatory course) is normally one year, while that for major study is generally consistent with the basic length of study.


IV.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Funding Content and standards

( ) 资助内容

1. Funding Content


It includes tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses and comprehensive medical insurance.

() 资助标准

2. Funding Standards

1. 免学费;

2. 提供免费宿舍或发放住宿补贴;

3. 生活费:3000 元人民币/

4. 综合医疗保险费:800元人民币//

No tuition fee;

Free accommodation or living expenses;

Living expenses: CNY 3,000 per month;

Comprehensive medical insurance: CNY 800 per year.

2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program 2024年山西中医药大学中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目招生简章

Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine


V.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Enrollment Major Catalog













































First-level discipline


Length of Schooling /Year

Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina


TCM Pediatrics


TCM Gynecology


TCM Internal Medicine


Chinese Herbal Formulae


TCM Clinical Fundamentals


TCM Basic Theory


TCM History and Literature


TCM Diagnostics


TCM Osteopathology and Traumatology


TCM Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy


TCM External Medicine


Chinese Pharmacy

Chinese Materia Medica/Natural Medicine Pharmaceutics


TCM Resources and Development


TCM Pharmacology and Toxicology


Clinical Chinese Pharmacology


Modern Research on Processing Chinese Herbs


Study on Preparation and Quality Analysis of Chinese Herbs


Study on TCM Functional Food of Medicine and Food Homology



六、 申请条件

VI.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Application Qualifications

() 非中国籍公民,身心健康;

1. Applicants should be non Chinese citizens with good physical and mental health ;

() 申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 35 周岁;

2. Applicants for a master’s degree should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent academic qualifications, excellent academic performance, and generally not exceed the age of 35;

() 教学语言为中文,申请人中文水平原则上至少达到汉语水平考试 (HSK) 四级;

3. Applicants with Chinese as their professional teaching language must achieve a proficiency level of Level 4 in the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK).

() 遵守中国政府的法律法规,遵守学校的规章制度;

4. Applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government, and the rules and regulations of the university;

() 申请人应当同时符合我校在学术能力及其他相关方面的入学要求。

5. Applicants should meet the admission requirements of the university in terms of academic ability, language proficiency, and other related aspects.


VII.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Application Documents


1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (written in Chinese or English)

2. 护照首页(照片页)与来华签证页(若有来华经历)扫描件。申请人须提交有效期晚于20239本人普通护照的首页清晰扫描件,如现持有护照有效期不符合要求,请及时换发新护照。对于因客观原因无法在提交申请前办理护照的申请人,经我校允许后,可提交包含本人“英文姓名、性别、国籍、出生日期”等信息的有效证件或证明文件。

2. Scanned copies of passport home page (photo page) and the visa page (if you have ever been to China). Applicants must submit a clear scan of the first page of their passport, whose validity should be later than September 2023. If the current passport validity does not meet the requirements, please renew the passport in time. For applicants who are unable to apply for a passport before submitting the application due to objective reasons, with the permission of the university, you can submit valid documents or certificates containing information such as English name, gender, nationality and date of birth.

3. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,须提交本人就读学校出具的预计毕业证明或在学证明。中英文以外文本须附上经公证的中文或英文的译文。

3. Notarized highest educational certificate. If you are a current student, you must submit an expected graduation certificate or a certificate of study issued by your school. Texts other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by a notarized translation in Chinese or English.

4. 学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)。成绩单扫描件应包括本科、硕士(如有)、博士(如有)学习阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单应由就读学校教务处、研究生院或有关学生管理部门开具并盖章。可提供中/英文成绩单,如为英语以外语种,需另提供英文翻译件并公证。

4. Academic transcripts (from undergraduate level). Scanned transcripts should include the grades of bachelor’s, master’s (if any) and doctoral (if any) studies up to the most recent semester. Transcripts should be issued and sealed by the Office of Academic Affairs, Graduate School or relevant student administration department. Transcripts in Chinese and English are acceptable. For transcripts in languages other than English, a notarized English translation is required.

5. 语言能力证明。申请以中文为专业教学语言的申请人须提供有效期内且与相应中文水平要求相符的HSK成绩报告。曾使用中文为教学语言获得中国高校学位的,无须提供《汉语水平考试》(HSK)证明。

5. Proof of language proficiency. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must submit valid HSK reports in accordance with the corresponding Chinese proficiency requirements. Applicants who have received a degree from a Chinese university using Chinese as the language of instruction are not required to provide proof of HSK.

6. 预录取材料。我校向初审合格的申请人发放的预录取材料。

6. Pre-admission materials. They are pre-admission materials issued by the university to applicants who have passed the preliminary review.

7. 来华学习计划。应提交中/英文学习计划(1000字以上),内容需涵盖对所申请专业、申请院校的了解,对此专业未来发展的看法,个人发展规划,选择在我校学习本专业的原因,学习计划只可以用中文或者英文书写。

7. A study plan in China. A Chinese/English study plan (with a minimum of 1000 words) should be submitted, covering an understanding of the applied major and university, thoughts on the future development of this major, personal development plan, reasons for choosing to study this major at our university, etc. The study plan can only be written in Chinese or English.

8. 推荐信。提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,内容应重点包含对申请人来华学习目标要求,中方院校或者中方导师与国外导师的合作情况或者校际交流情况,以及对学生综合能力,未来发展的评价,只可用中文或英文书写。

8. Recommendation letters. Submit two recommendation letters of professors or associate professors, which should focus on the requirements of the applicant’s learning objectives in China, the cooperation or inter-school communication between Chinese universities or Chinese supervisor and foreign supervisor, and the evaluation of the applicant’s comprehensive ability and future development, which can only be written in Chinese or English.

9. 年龄不满18周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件。

9. Applicants under the age of 18 must submit the relevant legal documents of their legal guardians in China.


10. Scanned copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy shall be kept by applicants, and this form shall be uniformly printed by the Chinese health and quarantine department and filled in English). Applicants should strictly follow the items requested in the form (Appendix 2). Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid, and the results are valid for 6 months.

11. 无犯罪记录证明。申请人须提交由所在地公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前6个月以内的证明文件。

11. Proof of No Criminal Record. The applicant must submit proof of No Criminal Record issued by the local public security organ, usually within 6 months before the date of submitting the application.


Reminder: The materials uploaded through the system must be clear, authentic, and valid. It is recommended that the applicant use professional equipment to scan the relevant documents that need to be submitted. Any consequences caused by unclear or unrecognizable uploaded materials shall be borne by the applicant.


VIII.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Application Process

1. 访问“留学中国”网站,点击“中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统”图标进入申请系统。“留学中国”网站链接: http://www.campuschina.org,点击【学生注册】按钮,注册账户。注册成功后,使用注册的账户登录系统。山西中医药大学“受理机构编号”为10809。详细申请流程请查阅《中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统申请人用户操作说明》附件1

1. Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for Students” at http://www.campuschina.org. Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and log in with your account. After successful registration, log in to the system with the registered account. The “Agency Number” of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine is 10809. For the detailed application process, please refer to Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS) (Appendix 1).

2. 同时登录网址山西中医药大学 https://gjzx.sxtcm.edu.cn/在线提交入学申请。

2. Log in to the website of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine. Please click on https://gjzx.sxtcm.edu.cn/ to submit your application online.

3. 我校负责审核申请材料,并采取笔试或面试等方式对申请人进行考核,择优推荐人选至国家留学基金委。

3. Our university is responsible for reviewing the application materials, assessing the applicants by means of written examination or interview, and recommending the best candidates to the China Scholarship Council.

4. 被我校预录取的申请人,经留学基金委专家评审通过,即可获得中国政府奖学金资助来华学习。

4. The applicant who has been offered a pre-admission letter from our university can obtain the Chinese government scholarship to study in China after being reviewed and approved by the experts of the China Scholarship Council.

5. 国家留学基金管理委员会通知我校录取结果,由我校通知申请人。

5. The China Scholarship Council notifies our university of the admission results, which will be sent to applicants respectively by us.


Reminder: The China Scholarship Council does not accept direct applications from individuals.


IX.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Application time


Application deadline: March 15, 2024

2024 Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Chinese Government Scholarship General Rules for Enrollment of “High-level Graduate Students” Program 2024年山西中医药大学中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目招生简章

Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine


X.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Review and admission

1. 我校负责审核申请材料,并采取笔试或面试等方式对申请人进行考核,择优推荐人选至国家留学基金委。

1. Our university is responsible for reviewing the application materials, assessing applicants by means of written examination or interview, and recommending the best candidates to the CSC.

2. 被我校预录取的申请人,经留学基金委专家评审通过,即可获得中国政府奖学金资助来华学习。

2. The applicant who has been offered a pre-admission letter from our university can obtain the Chinese government scholarship to study in China after being reviewed and approved by the experts of the China Scholarship Council.

3. 中国政府奖学金生不得同时享受中国各级政府和录取院校设立的其他奖学金(不含各类一次性奖励金)的资助,一经发现,其中国政府奖学金资格将予以取消,并须退还已领取的中国政府奖学金。对于刻意隐瞒资助情况的,除取消资格外,三年内不允许申请中国政府奖学金。

3. Students awarded by the Chinese government shall not be subsidized by other scholarships (excluding all kinds of one-off awards) set up by the Chinese governments at all levels or our university at the same time. Once found, the Chinese government scholarship qualifications will be canceled and the scholarship must be returned. Those who deliberately conceal their financial support are not allowed to apply for Chinese government scholarships within three years, except for disqualification.

4. 奖学金获得者来华后不得变更录取院校、学习专业及学习期限。

4. The students with Chinese government scholarships are not allowed to change the university, major and duration of study after coming to China.

5. 不能按录取期限来华学习者,奖学金资格不予保留。

5. Scholarship qualification will not be retained for those who cannot come to China by the admission deadline.


XI.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Contact Information

电话: +86-351-3179957

邮箱: [email protected]

网址: https://www.sxtcm.edu.cn

地址: 山西省晋中市大学街121号山西中医药大学国际教育学院808

Tel.: +86-351-3179957

E-mail: [email protected]

Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Website: https://www.sxtcm.edu.cn/

Address: Room 808, International Education Faculty, Shanxi University of  Chinese Medicine, No. 121, Daxue Street, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, PRC.







1步:访问“留学中国”网站,点击“中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统”图标进入申请系统。“留学中国”网站链接: http://www.campuschina.org,点击【学生注册】按钮,注册账户。注册成功后,使用注册的账户登录系统。



4步:填写正确的 “受理机构编号(拟申请的高校提供)”。











Appendix 1:

Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship

Information System (CGSIS)

– For Applicants

Please carefully read the instructions before applying for the scholarship.

Step 1: Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for Students” at http://www.campuschina.org. Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and log in with your account.

Step 2: Input Personal Details. Click “Edit Personal Details” and finish inputting personal details by filling in all the information, verifying and saving the information. After the completion of this section, return to the previous page by clicking “Finish” and start filling in your application information.

Step 3: Select the correct “Program Category”. Please select Program Category “Type B”, click “New Application”, and start filling in the application information.

Step 4: Input the correct “Agency Number (provided by the preferred designated university)”.

The Agency Number of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine is: 10809.

Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, both are mandatory for online application. After inputting the agency number, the matched agency name will automatically show on the page. As Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, application processing authorities will not receive your online application if the program category or agency number is not correct.

Step 5: Input Application Information. Next, please move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and upload “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application. Check each part of your application carefully before submission. Please make sure that all the information and uploaded documents are valid and accurate.

Step 6: Once submitted, amendments cannot be made on “Personal Details” and “Application Information”. Before the application is processed by the processing authorities, applicants can revoke the submitted application by clicking “Withdraw” and edit the application. After revoking the application, applicants must submit it again after re-editing, or the application will not be processed. Once the application is processed, the application cannot be revoked.

Step 7: Click “Print the Application Form” and download the form.

Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or application processing agency).

Notes: Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer (11.0).

For applicants using Internet Explorer, please close the “compatible view mode” function ahead of editing.

Please fill in all application information in Chinese or English.


Appendix 2: Physical Examination Form for Foreigners

Appendix 3: Letter of Commitment to No Criminal Record




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