2024 Shanxi Normal University Admission Brochure for International Students

2024 Shanxi Normal University Admission Brochure for International Students

2024 Shanxi Normal University

Admission Brochure for International Students

2024 Shanxi Normal University Admission Brochure for International Students

I.Shanxi Normal University Applicants Qualifications

Categories Study Period Qualifications Documents
Applicants for learning language Oneyear 1.Senior high school diploma

2.18years old(DOB:Before July 1,2006)

1.Application form

2.Notarized Chinese translation copy of diploma and transcript of high school

3.Notarized certificate of No Criminal Record


5.Copy of passport andallvisapages

6.Certificate of deposit(20000RMB)

Applicants for a Bachelor’s degree Four years 1.Senior high school diploma

2.Minimum score of 220 in HSK-4

1.Application form

2.Notarized Chinese translation copy of diploma and transcript of high school

3.Notarized certificate of No Criminal Record


5.Copy of passport andallvisapages

6.Certificate of HSK-4

7.Certificate of deposit (30000RMB)

Applicants for a Master’s degree Three years 1.Bachelor’s degree

2.Minimum score of 200 in HSK-5

1.Application form

2.Notarized Chinese translation copy of Bachelor’s degree

3.Notarized Chinese translation copy of Transcript of undergraduate

4.Notarized certificate of No Criminal Record


6.Two letters of Recommendation

7.Copy of passport andallvisapages

8.Certificate of HSK-5

9.Certificate of deposit (30000RMB)

Applicants for a Doctor’s degree Three to five years 1.Master’s degree

2.Minimum score of 220 in HSK-5

1.Application form

2.Notarized Chinese translation copy of Master’s degree

3.Notarized Chinese translation copy of Transcript of postgraduate

4.Notarized certificate of No Criminal Record


6.Two letters of Recommendation

7.Copy of passport andallvisapages

8.Certificate of HSK-5

9.Certificate of deposit (30000RMB)

II.Shanxi Normal University Schedule Fee

Items Fees(RMB) Notes
Tuition Languagestudents 5000RMB/semester Languagestudents,undergraduates, master students and doctoral students who have won full scholarships are free from tuition.
Undergraduates 20000RMB/Year
Master students 22000RMB/Year
Doctoral students 24000RMB/Year
Accommodation 400RMB/ person/month


Dormitoryincludekitchen, bathroom,beds,air conditioner, washing machine.
Textbook Textbook fees are vary from differentbooks
MedicalInsurance 800RMB/ person/ year In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, foreign students in China are required to purchase medical insurance.
Medical Examination


420RMB/ person According to the provisions of the relevant agencies in China, foreign students studying in China shall undergo physical examination in China. After enrolling in the registration formalities, foreign students will receive a unified medical examination.
ResidencePermitFee 800RMB/person/ year Exit-Entry Administration of Public Security Bureau charges the fees .

III.Shanxi Normal University Scholarship

1.Full scholarship: free of tuition and accommodation fees, providing partial living expenses.

Undergraduates 600-1100RMB/person//month;

Issued monthly and 10 months in total a year

MasterStudents 1100-1600 RMB/ person//month;

Issued monthly and 10 months in total a year

DoctoralStudents 1600-2100 RMB/person//month;

Issued monthly and 10 months in total a year

2.Partial scholarship:freeof tuition, not providing living expenses.

2024 Shanxi Normal University Admission Brochure for International Students

IV.Shanxi Normal University Application Date

Deadline of fall admission:June30, 2024

Deadline of spring admission:December30, 2024

V.Shanxi Normal University Procedures

(1)In March,Login website:https://wsc.sxnu.edu.cn/lxsd.htm,and download“2024Admission Brochure for International Students at SXNU”

(2)Submitting Application materialsbymail: [email protected]

(3) InApril-May,Reviewing materials and organizinginterviews

(4) InJune-July,Receiving original JW202 & Admission Notice

2024 Shanxi Normal University Admission Brochure for International Students

VI . Contacts



Email: [email protected]




2024 Shanxi University of Finance and Economics International Student Enrollment brochure 2024年山西财经大学国际学生招生简章

2024-7-16 15:03:02


2024 Shanxi Normal University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2024年山西师范大学留学生招生简章

2024-7-16 15:30:27

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