2022 Shenyang Normal University International Chinese Teacher Scholarship undergraduate enrollment brochure 2022年沈阳师范大学国际中文教师奖学金本科生招生简章

Shenyang Normal University was established in 1951, which is directly administered by the People’s Government of Liaoning Province.

2022 Shenyang Normal University International Chinese Teacher Scholarship undergraduate enrollment brochure


2022 Shenyang Normal University International Chinese Teacher Scholarship undergraduate enrollment brochure 2022年沈阳师范大学国际中文教师奖学金本科生招生简章

Shenyang Normal University




Brief introduction of Shenyang Normal University

Shenyang Normal University was established in 1951, which is directly administered by the People’s Government of Liaoning Province. The university covers an area of 1.23 million square meters with a building area of 0.95 million square meters. The university has 20,272 full-time undergraduates, 3670 graduate students and 1,100 short-term and long-term international students. There are 26 schools and 19 university-affiliated halls, departments, centers, research institutes and institutions at the university.

Adhering to the philosophy of open education and win-win cooperation, the university innovates mechanisms, improves quality and efficiency, and expands in-depth cooperation with world-class universities. At present, it has established friendly and cooperative relations with 158 universities and institutions in 32 countries and regions on five continents. At present, the university has 1 institution of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools, 1 program of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools and 4 joint doctoral programs with universities from the United States, Japan and other countries and regions. There are 3 overseas Confucius Institutes in Lebanon, Jordan and Ukraine and 1 Online Chinese Classroom in Pakistan. One international science and technology organization cooperation platform at ministerial level and 1 ministerial national and regional research center were constructed in the university. The university is the receiving unit for the overseas students who have been granted Chinese Government Scholarship and International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, the organizer of Foreign Aid Training of the Ministry of Commerce, the pre-job training unit of Chinese Language Teachers dispatched by the Center for Language Education and cooperation of the Ministry of Education, the vice chairman unit of the Foreign Students Management Branch of the Chinese Association of Higher Education, the vice chairman unit of the Liaoning Education Association for International Exchange, the chairman unit of Liaoning Provincial Association for International Education, Liaoning Provincial Demonstration University for International Students in China, vice chairman unit of Liaoning Provincial Confucius Institute Cooperative University Alliance, the receiving and sending unit of Foreign Affairs Exchange Personnel of Liaoning Provincial Government and Liaoning Provincial “Cross-Straits Undergraduates Exchange Base”.






Brief introduction of College of International Education

The College of International Education, as the administrative department of overseas education in Shenyang Normal University, was established in 1985. It is co-located with the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Education Affairs Office and International Chinese Language Education Office. It is qualified to receive Chinese Government Scholarship and Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship for international students, and undertakes the training of international students. The college has a building area of 13951.9 square meters with excellent teaching equipment and living facilities. It equipped with language lab, audio-visual room, multimedia classroom, activity room and reading room. The apartment is equipped with a TV, telephone, air conditioner, refrigerator, bathroom and Internet connection, etc. In addition, it also equipped with shared kitchens, laundry rooms and there is a unique foreign affairs restaurant combining Chinese and Western food.

The CIE has a high-level teaching team with professional title and academic background. There are 26 full-time teachers, including 1 professor, 10 associate professors and 12 teachers with doctor’s degree (or studying for doctor’s degree). Six teachers are tutors for master’s students in the major of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, one teacher has been selected as one of the ten Million Talents Project of Liaoning Province, and one teacher is the executive director of an important national professional association. Sixteen teachers are in charge of national, provincial and municipal scientific research or teaching research projects.

The college has two undergraduate programs: Chinese Language and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. It has formed a comprehensive education and training system from Chinese language teaching, medium and short term education to undergraduate and master’s education, and has formed a training mode combining “language, culture and skills”. Chinese language is the main teaching content, while offering Chinese history, foreign economic and trade, Chinese folk art, Tai Chi, martial arts and many other courses. International students have a high pass rate of HSK3-6, and have made outstanding achievements in all kinds of competitions. It is the goal of CIE to cultivate outstanding sinology talents and promote cultural exchanges between China and other countries in the world. Since 1985, more than 10,075 students from more than 80 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Oceania have been admitted.

In the past two years, in the context of the epidemic prevention and control, the College of International Education has carried out online and offline mixed teaching, providing online courses for students who have not yet come to China. Since 2020, the college has successfully approved 11 “Chinese Bridge” projects of Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, providing colorful online courses for overseas students, which has been widely praised.

2022 Shenyang Normal University International Chinese Teacher Scholarship undergraduate enrollment brochure 2022年沈阳师范大学国际中文教师奖学金本科生招生简章

Shenyang Normal University


I. Shenyang Normal University Application conditions 申请者年龄18-25周岁,具有高中学历。汉语水平考试成绩达到HSK(四级)210分以上、HSKK(中级)60分以上。 Applicants shall be between the age of 18 and 25. Applicants must have graduated with a high school diploma, and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 4) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level). 二、申请流程 II. Application Procedure 1.申请者在202231日以后登录国际中文教师奖学金网站(cis.chinese.cn),注册、填写《国际中文教师奖学金申请表》并上传有关证明材料电子扫描件。 选择联合培养项目 选择奖学金类别:汉语专业本科(合作) 选择专业:汉语国际教育 选择学校:沈阳师范大学 Applicants log on to the Chinese Language Teachers Scholarships website (http://cis.chinese.cn) from March 1st 2022 to register. Complete the Chinese Language Teachers Scholarships Application Form online and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents. Select Cooperative Scholarships Select Scholarship Category: BKHY Select major: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) Select school: Shenyang Normal University 2.推荐机构审核并推荐合格学生至我校。 Recommending institutions reviews materials and recommending applicants who meet the criteria to our university. 3.我校审核材料并组织网络面试,择优预录取。 Our university will review materials, interview applicants and pre-admit applicants on a competitive selection based process. 4.教育部中外语言交流合作中心组织专家集中评审,择优资助。入学前2个月完成奖学金评审工作,公布评审结果。 Center for Language Education and Cooperation will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection. Normally, the admission results will be announced 2 months before the term begins. 三、国际中文教师奖学金本科生资助内容及标准 III International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Coverage and Criteria for Bachelor’s Degree 国际中文教师奖学金资助内容包括:学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费。 The International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance package. 1.我校为学生提供校内宿舍,一般为双人间。 We provide free hostel accommodation for students in campus. Normally 2 students stay in a room. 2.生活费按月发放。本科生标准为2500 元人民币/月。 Living allowance is granted on monthly basis. The allowance criteria per person is 2500yuan for bachelor degree. 3.综合医疗保险费参照中国教育部来华留学有关规定执行,由院校统一购买。 Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased in accordance with the relevant regulations for international students stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China 四、国际中文教师奖学金本科生上传材料 IV. Upload Application Documents for Bachelor’s Degree of Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 1.护照照片页、两张护照空白页扫描件。 A scanned copy of the passport photo page and two blank pages. 2.HSKHSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。 A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (within the two-year validity). 3.推荐机构负责人的推荐信。推荐机构包括孔子学院、使领馆和HSK考点(非孔子学院)。

Recommendation letter signed by the head of the recommending institutions. Recommending institutions include Confucius Institutes, embassies and consulates, and HSK test centers (not Confucius Institutes).

4.提供高中毕业证明(毕业预期证明)和在校学习成绩单。除中文以外文本需要提供经过公证的中文翻译件。 Certification of the high school diploma (or proof of expected year of graduation) and an official transcript. Transcripts and diploma in languages other than Chinese must be attached with notarized Chinese translations. 5.未满 18 周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件。 Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.
2022 Shenyang Normal University International Chinese Teacher Scholarship undergraduate enrollment brochure 2022年沈阳师范大学国际中文教师奖学金本科生招生简章

Shenyang Normal University

五、其他 V. Others 1.本科生须参加国际中文教师奖学金年度评审,不合格者不能继续享有国际中文教师奖学金资格。 Undergraduates shall accept the annual assessment of Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. Non-qualified students cannot continue to enjoy the Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. 2.未按时报到、入学体检不合格、中途退学、休学者,取消奖学金资格。 Those who failed to register on time, failed to pass the health assessment, dropped out midway and/or suspended will be deprived of scholarship. 申请截止日期 Application deadline: 20225 102022 9月入学)。 10 MAY2022 (Term begins in September 2022) 联系方式 联系人:王天琪 电话:0086-24-86574288 邮箱:[email protected] 网址:http://cie.synu.edu.cn/ Contact us Contacts: Wang Tianqi Tel: 0086-24-86574288 Email: [email protected] Shenyang Normal University Website: http://cie.synu.edu.cn/

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