2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure

2022 Anhui Normal University

International Student Enrollment brochure

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

Anhui Normal University

I.Brief Introduction of Anhui Normal University

Anhui Normal University (AHNU) is located in a National Open City—Wuhu, which has “the charm with Anhui feature,city of Thousand Lakes”. It is adjacent to Shanghai and Nanjing and nested in the southern bank of the Yangtze River and close to the beauty Ocher mountain. AHNU is a university jointly built by the Anhui Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Education, a provincial key comprehensive university given priority by the Anhui Provincial Committee and the provincial government, and a key
university with Anhui characteristics. Founded in 1928,AHNU is the oldest institution in Anhui Province. The university has bachelor, master and doctoral education at different levels and types of complete talent development system. Presently, AHNU possesses 88 undergraduate majors, 31 master degree first-level subjects, 11 PhD first-level subjects and 6 post-doctoral research stations.

AHNU is one of the first universities in the country to be allowed to enroll foreign students who enjoy Chinese government scholarship. It is also one of the national Chinese language education bases for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the location of Anhui Province Chinese International Promotion Center, the international exchange and cooperation base in Anhui Province and the network test center of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK ).The College of International Education is an authorized department specializing in the enrollment, education and management of international students’ affairs.
The college has advanced teaching facilities and professional teaching faculty, which specializes in teaching Chinese to foreign students. It has formed a successful teaching model of “small class teaching,classified guidance,elective courses and second class assisted teaching activities “.

Since 1985, AHNU has cultivated more than 5,000 international students from more than 60 countries (regions). The college has always been open to the world, facing the future and aiming at providing international students with rich experience and high-level Chinese language education.

Il. Educational background, Majors, Seats and Language

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

Professional directory: http://www.campuschina.org/universities_art/index.html?key=F421F18DAF3B901F

III. Application Conditions

1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with good health and no criminal record and be friendly to China.
2. Educational Requirements: Applicants for both college and undergraduateprograms must have a senior high school diploma and be basically under the age of 28; Applicants for master’s degree program must have a bachelor’s degree and be basically under the age 40; Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be basically under the age of 45.
3. Applicants with HSK score and Chinese Foundation would be considered favorably.

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

Anhui Normal University

IV. Charges

1. Tuition: Undergraduate12,000 RMB per year; Master 16,000 RMB per year; Doctor 18,000 RMB per year; Non-degree students:12,000 RMB per year.
2. Accommodation fees:15 RMB per person per day (double room );28RMB per person per day (Single room:).
3. Other fees: Visa fee, insurance, teaching materials fee, transportation fee and living expenses will be paid by yourself.


1. Entrance Scholarship All new students who meet the admissionrequirements of AHNU can apply for “Entrance Scholarship”. The funding criteria are as follows:

On-line teaching period:
Undergraduate 15,000 RMB per person per year; Master20,000 RMB per person per year; Doctor 25,000 RMB per person per year. (When registering online, the tuition fee of the year will be deducted from the scholarship in one time. The remaining scholarship will be distributed to students at the end of two semesters in the first academic year after passing the online teaching attendance and assessment.)

Off-line teaching period:
Undergraduate20,000 RMB per person per year; Master 25,000 RMB per person per year; Doctor 30,000 RMB per person per year. (See foreign students in AHNU “Entrance Scholarship” management method for details)

2. Anhui Provincial Government
The target students are foreign students who have studied at our university at their own expense for one year or more. The funding criteria are as follows: Undergraduate 20,000 RMB per person per year; Master 30,000 RMB per person per year; Doctor 50,000 RMB per person per year. (See foreign students in AHNU “Anhui ProvincialGovernment Scholarship” management method for details)

3. “Chinese Government Scholarship”
and“International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship” See details in the web page. Chinese Government Scholarship: http://www.campuschina.org/universities art/index.html?key=F421F18DAF3B901F; International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship:http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/project_detail

VI. Application and Admission time

The registration time is from April 1 to July 30th, 2022(Enrollment is in Autumn), and from the October 1 to December 31th, 2022(Enrollment is in Spring).

Admission Instructions: Due to the epidemic, if students majoring in Chinese language cannot register online before September 2022,they will have online classes. Other majors can only be enrolled in the major when they can register in our university. During online teaching,students can participate in the Preparatory Study of Chinese language in College of International Education of our university.

After offline registration, except for The Chinese language major, the number of students in other majors reaches 15, can be independently opened classes, less than 15 students will be incorporated into the relevant majors.

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

Anhui Normal University

VII.Registration Formalities

Applicants should log in to “ANHUI Normal University Registration and Application System for Foreign Students” online, fill in personal information and submit relevant materials as required. See details in the web page:http://liuguan.ahnu.edu.cn/student-apply/addPage

The university will review the admission and send the admission notice and visa to the applicants. Students should register on the date specified in the admission letter. Those who fail to report to our university two weeks after the deadline will be deemed to have given up their admission qualification.

VIIl. Contacts
Address: 1 Beijing East Road, Jinghu District, Wuhu city, Anhui Province,China
Zip code:241000
Website: https://cie.ahnu.edu.cn/
Contact: Wang Cheng
Phone number: 86-553-3869406
Email Address: [email protected]

2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

Anhui Normal University


Anhui Normal University安徽师范大学坐落于具有”徽风皖韵、干湖之城”美誉的国家级开放城市–芜湖,濒临浩瀚长江,毗邻上海和南京,傍依灵秀赭山,是安徽省人民政府与教育部共建高校、安徽省重点综合性大学和安徽省特色高水平大学重点建设高校。学校创建于1928年,是安徽建校最早的高等学府。学校具有学士、硕士、博士教育等不同层次及类型的完整人才培养体系,现有本科专业88个,硕士学位授权一级学科31个,博士学位授权一级学科11个,博士后流动站6个。




2022 Anhui Normal University International Student Enrollment brochure 2022年安徽师范大学来华留学生招生简章

1. 申请人须为外国籍公民,对华友好,身体健康,无犯罪记录。








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