2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

  Xian Shiyou University  Profile

  Founded in 1951, Xi ‘an Shiyou University is the only public university in Northwest China featuring petroleum and petrochemical technology. It is jointly built by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province and the three major national petroleum companies. The university is a national”Fourteen Five-Year Plan Education Power Promotion Project” construction university, Shaanxi Province “Double first-class” cultivation university and high-level university construction university,is the Chinese Government Scholarship for international students recruitment university.

  The university consists of 17 colleges and 1 direct department, with over 23,000 students and 1870 faculty members, including 1360 strong full-time professor, and more than 640 doctoral supervisors and master supervisors.

  The university has vigorously carried out scientific research, and its scientific research has been continuously gathering strength. In the past five years, 780 research projects at the national, provincial and ministerial levels, including the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Social Science Foundation carried out with a total funding of 855 million yuan.

  The University actively carries out international cooperation, and has established cooperation and exchange relations with 106 universities(institutions) from the United States,Canada,the United Kingdom and other countries, and has trained more than 9,000 international students from 93 countries, including undergraduates students, Chinese and English postgraduate students, language students and short-term students.

  Xian Shiyou University First

  ◆The first petroleum engineering and petro-chemical engineering university in China(Founded in1951)

  Science Research

  ◆41 National and Provincial Laboratories

  ◆7 Characteristic research field

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

  Xian Shiyou University Unique

  ◆The only university in northwest China features petroleum engineering and petro-chemical engineering

  Xian Shiyou University Three

  ◆The universities has three campuses, covers an area of 2133 acres in total


  ◆Conducting exchanges and cooperation with 106 institutions globally

  ◆Recruited students from 93 countries

  Xian Shiyou University Internationalization

  ◆Conducting exchanges and cooperation with 106 institutions globally

  ◆Recruited students from 93 countries

  ◆Authorizing Chinese Government Scholarship university

  ◆Initiating University of Silk Road Energy Education Technology Industry-University-Research Alliance

  ◆Jointly building “Turkmenistan Center” with Turkmenistan Embassy in China

  ◆Jointly build “Energy Research Center for Belt and Road” with Pakistan National University of Science and Technology

  ◆Established”China-Malaysia Education,Technology, Industry-Education and Research Alliance”

  with Malaysian University of Petroleum

  ◆Co-founded “Russian Language and Culture Center” with Buryatia State University

  Xian Shiyou University Outstanding

  ◆National”fourteen-five-year Education Promotion Project” construction university

      ◆Shaanxi Province “Double world-class” cultivation university, High-level university support by Shaanxi

  Feature Programs

  ◆5 national characteristic majors

  ◆12 majors selected as national first-class undergraduate major construction points

  ◆15 majors selected as provincial first-class undergraduate major construction point

  ◆3 national professional comprehensive reform pilot projects

  ◆10 Shaanxi provincial characteristic majors

  ◆5 Shaanxi provincial famous brand majors

  Student Awards

  ◆More than 5,000 national and provincial awards in competitions and scientific technological activities

  Outstanding Engineers Plan

  ◆5 national advanced programs of“Outstanding Engineers Training Plan”

      Postgraduate Majors

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide


  1 Xi’an Municipal Government “Beltand Road” Scholarship for Foreign Students Program

  Postgraduate Program: RMB 2,000 per month for a total of 10 months.

  2 Xi’an Shiyou University Scholarship Program

  Xi’an Shiyou University Freshman Scholarship to attract more outstanding overseas students.

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

  Note: All scholarship students will need to participate in the annual review and decidewhether to continue, discontinue or cancel the scholarship according to the annual review results.

2024-2025 Xian Shiyou University Postgraduate Program Admissions Guide

  Address: No.18, Second Dianzi Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

  College of International Education, Xi’an Shiyou University




  Application Website:xsyu.at0086.cn/student

  Postgraduate program Consulting

  Email:[email protected]

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