Fuzhou University 2024 Undergraduate Enrollment Brochure for Overseas Students 福州大学2024年来华本科生招生简章
福州大学是国家“双一流”建设高校、国家“211工程”重点建设大学、福建省人民政府与国家教育部共建高校。学校创建于1958年,现已发展成为一所以工为主、理工结合,理、工、经、管、文、法、艺等多学科协调发展的重点大学。学校设有27个学院,现有在校学生5.6万余人。学校化学学科入选世界一流学科建设名单,12个学科进入ESI学科全球排名前1%,其中化学、工程学进入ESI学科全球排名前1‰。学校与清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大...- 84
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2023 Changsha Medical University International Student Enrollment Prospectus 2023年长沙医学院国际学生招生简章
2023 Changsha Medical University International Student Enrollment Prospectus- 47
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2024 Admission Brochure for International Students School of International Education of Chengdu Neusoft University 成都东软学院国际教育学院2024年来华留学生招生简章
2024 Admission Brochure for International Students School of International Education of Chengdu Neusoft University 2024 Admission Brochure for International Students School of International Education of Chengdu Neusoft University 一、学校简介 About us 成都东软学院是经国家教育部批准设立,由东软出资举办的一所民办普通高等院校。2003年经四川省人民政府批准,设立成都东软信息技术职业学院,开展高职专科教育;2003年学校被教育部确定为首批35所国家级示范性软件职业技术学院之一。2011年经教育部批准升格为本科院校,更名为成都东软学院,成为四川省第一所独立设置的民办普通本科高等学校;2015年通过新建本科院校学士学位评估;2016年成为四川省民办教育协会会长单位;2021年顺利通过普通高等学校本科教学工作合格评估,成为四川省第一所通过该项评估的民办高校。 Chengdu Neusoft University is a non-governmental college established with the approval of the Ministry of Education and funded by Neusoft Co.. In 2003, with the approval of Sichuan Provincial People's government, Chengdu Neusoft Information Technology Vocational College was established to carry out higher vocational education; In 2003, the school was identified as one of the first 35 national demonstration software vocational and technical colleges by the Ministry of Education. In 2011, it was upgraded to an undergraduate university with the approval of the Ministry of Education, renamed Chengdu Neusoft University, and became the first private undergraduate university in Sichuan Province; university passed the bachelor's degree evaluation of newly-built undergraduate universities in 2015; In 2016, university became the president unit of Sichuan Private Education Association; In 2021, it successfully passed the qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities, and became the first private university in Sichuan Province to pass the assessment. 学校位于世界自然文化遗产——都江堰青城山国家5A级景区,占地面积52.85万平方米,现有在校生16000余人。学校目前有28个本科专业,含工学、文学、管理学、艺术学、医学5大学科门类,专业涉及数据科学与大数据技术、计算机科学与技术、物联网工程、智能医学工程等,面向全国31个省(市、自治区)招生,目前已获批7门课程思政示范课,省级立项专业22个,其中包括四川省应用型示范专业6项、四川省一流本科专业建设点6项。 The university is located in the world natural and cultural heritage - Dujiangyan Qingcheng Mountain…- 77
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Northeastern University 2024 Undergraduate Program Application Guide for International Students
I. University IntroductionNortheastern University (NEU) was founded in 1923. Situated in Shenyang, the central city of the Northeastern China, NEU also has a campus in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. NEU has 4512 faculty members, among whom 2938 are full-time teachers. NEU has 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 6 foreign academicians, a total enrollment of more than 50,000 students.NEU is a key university directly under the Ministry of Educati- 36
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China Medical University Undergraduate programs for International Students
Programs1. Clinical Medicine (in Chinese/English)Introduction: This program was established in November 1931. It is a Liaoning provincial model program and passed the accreditation of clinical medicine organized by Ministry of Education on December, 2021. The program is one of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate specialty construction base, national characteristic specialty, c...- 30
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