Completely Admission Brochure of Bachelor Programs of Wenzhou Medical University (Non-Chinese citizens aged between 18-30)
1. Application Requirement of Admission Brochure of Bachelor: ① Non-Chinese citizens aged between 18-30 (in principle) with a valid passport (according to the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China); (1) According to Article 5 of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China, the applicant has acquirgb(37,140,255) foreign nationality at birth and does not have Chinese nationality, whose parents are both Chinese citizens and both have settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese citizen and has settled abroad. Starting from 2021, the applicant who applies to study at WMU as international students, in addition to meeting other application requirements of our university, should hold a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for more than 4 years (inclusive) and have actually resided in a foreign country for more than 2 years in the recent 4 years (before April 30 of the year of admission) (the actual resided in a foreign country for more than 9 months in a year can be counted as one year, subject to the entry and exit signature); (2) Residents of mainland China (mainland), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have immigrated and acquirgb(37,140,255) foreign nationality and apply to study as…- 30
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