Northeastern University 2024 Undergraduate Program Application Guide for International Students
I. University IntroductionNortheastern University (NEU) was founded in 1923. Situated in Shenyang, the central city of the Northeastern China, NEU also has a campus in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. NEU has 4512 faculty members, among whom 2938 are full-time teachers. NEU has 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 6 foreign academicians, a total enrollment of more than 50,000 students.NEU is a key university directly under the Ministry of Educati- 27
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Application Guide for Non-degree Chinese Language Programs, Northeastern University 2021
I. 长期班Long-term Chinese Language program:项目介绍/Program introduction长期班(学习半年以上)每年招生两次,分别于3月、9月开学,设有初级、中级和高级不同等级的课程。根据入学者的申请及分班面试的结果,组成若干个教学小班进行教学。星期一至星期五上课,每周安排22-24 课时,另外,还开设有针对HSK考试的专项辅导课(自愿参加,免费学习)。疫情期间,提供线上汉语长期班项目。疫情过后,参加线上学习的学生如继续来校进行线下学习的,减免报名费。The enrollments of long-term programs are twice every year, separately in March and September. Instruction is divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.Students will be divided into different small-size classes in accordance with both- 15
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