Application Guide for Northeast Normal University International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024
To meet the growing international demand for Chinese language teachers, facilitate Chinese language education around the world, and support the professional development of Chinese language teachers, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) has established the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the Scholarship) for eligible Chinese lan...- 37
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2021 International Chinese Teachers Scholarship Application Procedure
福建师范大学海外教育学院·国际教育学院·台生预科学院;,为培养合格的汉语教师,促进汉语国际推广和中国文化传播,教育部语合中心设立国际中文教师奖学金,委托孔子学院、独立设置的孔子课堂、部分汉语考试考点(以下简称推荐机构)推荐优秀学生和在职汉语教师到中国大学(以下简称接收院校)学习。For the purpose of cultivating qualified Chinese language teachers and facilitating the promotion of Chinese language and culture, Center for Language Education and Cooperation launches “International Chinese Teachers Scholarship” to support outstanding students, scholars and currently employed Chinese language teachers recommended by Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confuc- 20
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