As a Foreign Student, How to Achieve Success in China 2024?
You stayed in China for some time, someday you may think about: How to Achieve Success in China? Greetings, fellow aspiring academic adventurers! So, you find yourself as a foreign student in China, eager to conquer the Great Wall of Knowledge while basking in the colorful flow of this incredible land. Fear not, my young friend! With a sprinkle of youthful zest, I present to you a guide on how to rock your student life and achieve success in this captivating country! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A2stEooWC4 1. How to Achieve Success in China: Mastering Mandarin Business First things first, let's tackle the Mandarin language! You might feel like a lost panda in a bamboo forest at first, but fear not, my fellow language learners. Embrace the beauty of tonal gymnastics and the labyrinthine characters that resemble intricate sudoku puzzles. Imagine a conversation with your Chinese friends where you confidently drop slang like "小鲜肉" (xiǎo xiān ròu; young and handsome man), or better yet, utilize the timeless phrase "加鸡腿" (jiā jī tuǐ; add chicken leg) to impress the food connoisseurs amongst your newfound friends. Related: Study Materials of Chinese Language 2. How to Achieve Success in China: Cultural Chameleon To truly excel as a…- 224
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