A Vietnamese student’s love affair with Chinese language and culture

Nguyen Thi Phuc, a Vietnamese student at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei province, has a deep-rooted connection with Chinese language and culture.

Her journey began in 2015 when she graduated from the Department of Chinese Language of Hanoi Open University. She then joined China Railway Sixth Group, witnessing China’s prowess in infrastructure development during the construction of Vietnam’s first light rail project. During this time, she also went from being a Chinese translator to being a project manager assistant.

Then, she moved to Wuhan, and in 2022, she established an online community to help Vietnamese parents learn pinyin so that they can teach their children the Chinese language.

Now, as she pursues higher education at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Nguyen has rekindled her love for the Chinese language and discovered a new passion for the guqin, a traditional Chinese instrument. Her dream is to one day play “High Mountains and Flowing Water” on the guqin in Vietnam, using the melodies of the ancient instrument to promote global understanding and harmony.

Editor: Surnamed xiong


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