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What is WentChina Group?

Hello, WentChina users and people of the Internet! Welcome to WentChina Groups.

What is the Group

WentChina Groups is committed to providing a chat platform for foreigners who stay in China to share experiences and communicating with each other.

What can I do in the group?

  1. You can post, comment, vote, discuss, learn, debate, support, and connect with people who share your interests.
  2. We strongly encourage active participation in the group by create the post and participate in discussions. However, for your browsing experience, please note: Please follow our WentChina Community Content Policy when posting and discussing. If a user has a violation, we will promptly remove the post/comment.

How to create a new group?

Currently, only users with a rank of Lv3 can submit requests to create groups. If you have a good suggestion, please feel free to contact us: [email protected].

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