2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment 2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment

2023 International Students Enrollment of

Civil Aviation Flight University of China


2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章

Civil Aviation Flight University of China


University Overview  

Civil Aviation Flight University of China中国民用航空飞行学院(以下简称学院)创建于1956年,作为中国民用航空局直属的全日制普通高等学校,中国民用航空局与四川省共建高校,已成为中国民航高素质人才培养的主力高校,被誉为“中国民航飞行员的摇篮”。

Civil Aviation Flight University of China(hereinafter referred to as CAFUC) was founded in 1956. As a full-time university directly under the Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC),  and jointly built university by CAAC and Sichuan province, it has become the main university for the cultivation of high-quality professionals in civil aviation of China, and is known as the “cradle of civil aviation pilots in China”.


Headquartered in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, adjacent to Chengdu, the university covers an area of more than 19000 chinese mu, covering seven campuses in five cities in Sichuan and Henan provinces. The university has established five flight training branches in Xinjin, Guanghan, Mianyang, Suining and Luoyang, managing and operating five general and transportation airports.


The university owns a world-class aeroengine maintenance training center, which is the world’s largest LEAP series engine training center, and one of the four CFM training centers in the world.

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章

Civil Aviation Flight University of China


Based on civil aviation and adhering to characteristic development, the university now has more than 26000 full-time students, including 12000 students majoring in flight technology. It has formed up a discipline system focusing on engineering and coordinated development of science, engineering, literature, management, law, art and education. There are 14 secondary colleges and 13 master’s degree authorization points,  and 41 undergraduate and professional training majors, covering all professional fields in civil aviation.

02招生专业  Majors  

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章


2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章


Application for Admission 


Basic requirements of Applicants

  1. 持外国护照的非中国籍公民。

    Non-Chinese citizens holding foreign passports.

  2. 身心健康,对华友好,品行端正,无违法犯罪记录。

    Healthy in body and mind, friendly to China, upright in conduct, no criminal record.


Educational requirements


with a high school diploma or above and good school performance.


Language Requirements

  1. 母语为英语的申请者,免提供英语语言证明。

    Applicants whose native language is English do not need to provide  language certification of English.

  2. 母语为非英语的申请者,须提供雅思≥5.0或同等水平的英语能力证明材料。

    Applicants whose mother tongue is not English must provide proof of English level of IELTS ≥ 5.0 or have the same level.

  3. 母语为非英语、高中阶段或以上学历授课语言为英语的申请者,无须提供雅思成绩,只需要提交授课语言证明。

    Applicants whose mother tongue is not English and the teaching language in high school or above is English do not need to provide IELTS scores, but only need to submit the certificate of teaching language.


Fees Standards

1. 相关费用 Related Fees

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章

2. 报名费在线报名时支付,一经缴纳不予退还。

The registration fee shall be paid at the time of online registration, and will not be refunded once paid.

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章


Application Procedures

  1. 通过留学生办公室官网(https://osicd.cafuc.edu.cn)在线注册。

  2. Make Online registration on the website:


  3. 报名填写基本信息和查看申请进度。 Fill in basic information and view application progress through the official website of the International Students Office.

  4. 在线注册提交申请的截止时间为2023年3月31日。

    The deadline for submitting applications for online registration is March 31, 2023.

  5. 入学申请审核通过后,持录取通知书和JW202表到当地中国使领馆办理来华签证。

    After the application for admission is approved, apply for a visa to China at the local Chinese embassy or consulate with the admission notice and JW202 form.

  6. 获得录取和签证后,准备以下入校相关纸质材料按时报到。

    After obtaining the admission and visa, prepare the following paper materials related to admission and report on time.

2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章
2023 Civil Aviation Flight University of China International Students Enrollment  2023年中国民用航空飞行学院来华留学生招生简章

Civil Aviation Flight University of China


Contact us  


Address:No46, section 4, Nanchang road, Guanghan, Sichuan

电话: 86-838-5188196

Tel: 86-838-5188196



传真: 86-838-5191777Fax: 86-838-5191777

电子信箱: [email protected]E-mail: [email protected]

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