Mandarin Vocabulary lists – Public buildings

Mandarin Vocabulary lists – Public buildings

Public buildings gōnggòng shèshī 公共设施

mosque qīngzhēnsì 清真寺

church jiàotáng 教堂

townhall shì zhèngfǔ 市政府

police station pàichūsuǒ 派出所

sinagogue yóutài jiàotáng 犹太教堂

law courts fǎyuàn 法院

parliament building dàhuì táng 大会堂

tourist office lǚyóu jú 旅游局

zoo dòngwùyuán 动物园

amusement park yóu lèyuán 游乐园

post office yóujú 邮局

Mandarin Vocabulary lists – Restaurants

types of restaurants cāntīng zhǒnglèi 餐厅种类

italian restaurant yìdàlì cāntīng 意大利餐厅

chinese restaurant zhōng cānguǎn 中餐馆

pizzeria pīsà diàn 披萨店

fast food kuàicān 快餐

Mcdonalds màidāngláo 麦当劳

KFC kěndéjī 肯德基

sandwich bar sānmíngzhì ba 三明治吧

take-restaurant wàimài diàn 外卖店

family restaurant jiācháng cài cāntīng 家常菜餐厅

coffee house kāfēi guǎn 咖啡馆

sweetshop tángguǒ diàn 糖果店

Mandarin Vocabulary Lists – Shops

shops diànpù 店铺

supermarket chāoshì 超市

newspaper stand bào tān 报摊

vegetable market cài shìchǎng 菜市场

butchers túfū 屠夫

shoe shop xié diàn 鞋店

bakers miànbāo shī 面包师

florist huā jiang 花匠

dry cleaner’s gānxǐ diàn 干洗店

clothesshop fúzhuāng diàn 服装店

bookshop shūdiàn 书店

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