150 Russian Students Allowed Return To China By End Of April

Russian Satellite News Agency, Moscow,April 26. According to some Russian students, a chartered flight carrying 150 Russian students in China will fly from Moscow to Shenzhen at the end of April,according to some Russian students. This will be the first time to organize students to fly to China since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020.

Previously, Russian students have repeatedly made requests to the Chinese embassy in Russia, as well as Russian and Chinese industry departments, hoping to organize charter flights for them.In January of this year, they started receiving special notices and fee plans.

A sophomore student at Beijing Foreign Studies University says that in order to return to China to continue offline classes, Russian students must first be quarantined in a special isolation room at the Greenwood Hotel in Moscow for seven days. Then, another 14-day quarantine in Shenzhen.

During quarantine in Russia, 3 nucleic acid tests are required. After arriving in China, one nucleic acid test is required upon arrival at the airport and then every 3 days during hotel quarantine in Shenzhen. In addition, international students said that some colleges and universities also require isolation and observation on campus.

A female international student says:”I expect to stay in China until the end of the epidemic, and all the international students who are about to fly to China have the same plan as me,because if they return to Russia from China, the chances of returning to Chinaare too small. already.”

She said she had been waiting for the day to return to China since the start of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, as she was unable to fly to Beijing after the winter break that year.

International students say that returning to China to continue their studies will cost 350,000 rubles (about $4,700),with airfare being the largest of these expenses, which is as high as 206,000 rubles (about $2,700).

Even so, it seems the high costs haven’t deterred these students. Colleges and universities in Shanghai, Chengdu, and other cities have not yet announced the resumption of school return.

These particular student sare not “intimidated” by such “zero tolerance” preventionand control measures. A female student in the second year of BFSU said: “Istill remember when the epidemic in Kaliningrad was at the peak of theepidemic, when everything was locked down because almost everyone was sick.There aren’t even enough coffins to bury the dead.”

Edited by: Firieba Sarwarzadah ??

Source: https://sputniknews.cn/

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