Bangladeshi teacher researches on Belt and Road

Bangladeshi teacher Mostak Ahamed Galib is dedicated to studying China’s Belt and Road and hopes to cultivate more international talents for the country, those who have global visions. He has lived in Wuhan for more than twenty years and became the first foreign winner of the Wuhan “May 4th Youth Medal” award in 2015 for saving a drowning girl.

After graduating from the Wuhan University of Technology with a PhD, Galib entered the overseas business department of a large listed company. He found through his working experience there that the Belt and Road can not only promote economic and trade exchanges between countries but also set up a large platform for other countries to learn from China’s development. He also noticed the large demand for talents in the area.

In 2015, he returned to his alma mater for further postdoctoral research and subsequently began to research areas such as the Belt and Road, emerging markets and enterprise internationalization.

At present, he works as the executive director of the university’s Cross-culture and Belt and Road Research Center. His main work is to teach relevant courses to masters and doctoral students. His fluent Mandarin and his unique perspective as a foreigner make his courses popular with students.

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