Chinese Grammar Points in 44 Sentences for HSK

Wǒmen yǐjīng dào le.

1. 我们已经到了。

We arrived already.

*“已经” indicates that an action was completed or something reached a certain degree.

Nǐ chuānzhe hóngsè de yīfu, shì bu shì?

2. 你穿着红色的衣服, 是不是?

Are you wearing a red dress ( T-shirt/coat…)?

*“着” indicates the continuation of a certain state.

*“是不是” is used to ask for confirmation.

Wǒ gěi nǐmen jièshào yíxià.

3. 我给你们介绍一下。

Let me make the introductions.

*“V+一下” expresses a brief action.

Wǒmen gěi nǐmen zhǎo le ge fángzi, nǐ kànkan.

4. 我们给你们找了个房子,你看看。

We found an apartment for you. Take a look.

*Reduplication verbs usually are used to indicate a short time, a small quantity, a slight

degree or an attempt.

Zhè ge fángzi zhēn piàoliang!

5. 这个房子真漂亮。

This apartment is so beautiful!

*“真+adj” is used to express something in an exclamation tone.

Zhèli lí Dàwèi de gōngsī hěn jìn.

6. 这里离大卫的公司很近。

It is close to David’s office.

*“A 离 B +distance” indicates the distance between A and B.

Měi ge fángjiān dōu hěn dà.

7. 每个房间都很大。

Each room is big.

* “每” means every, each. It’s usually used in the structure “每+measure word+noun”.

Nǐ yào hē niúnǎi ma?

8. 你要喝牛奶吗?

Do you want some milk?

*“要” is usually used before a verb, indicating someone wants to do something. And the

negative form of it is “不想”.

Jīntiān shì nǐ dì-yī tiān qù xīn gōngsī shàngbān.

9. 今天是你第一天去新公司上班。

Today is your first day at your new job.

*“第+number” is used to say ordinal numbers.

Wǒ xiǎng zài hē yì bēi kāfēi.

10. 我想再喝一杯咖啡。3

I want another cup of coffee.

*“再” means again, one more. It’s usually used before a verb to say do something again. It

can also connect two actions, used to say what happens next or what to do next.

Bié hē kāfēi le.

11. 别喝咖啡了。

Don’t drink coffee.

*“别/不要+do sth+了” is usually used to ask somebody not to do something or stop doing


Hē tài duō kāfēi duì shēntǐ bù hǎo.

12. 喝太多咖啡对身体不好。

Drinking too much coffee is not good for your health.

*Here “对” is a preposition, it is used to say something has an effect on


Nǐ bú shì huì shuō Hànyǔ ma?

13. 你不是会说汉语吗?

You can speak Chinese, can’t you?

* “不是···吗”is often used to remind someone of something or to show confusion or


Suīrán wǒ huì shuō Hànyǔ, dànshì wǒ de háizimen bú huì.

14. 虽然我会说汉语, 但是我的孩子们不会。

Although I can speak Chinese, my children can’t.

*“虽然……但是……”is usually used together in a complex sentence to indicate a contrary4


Nǐ ràng tāmen duō kàn diànshì.

15. 你让他们多看电视。

You can ask them to watch more (Chinese) TV shows.

*The predicate of a pivotal sentence is made up of two verbal phrases, the first verb’s

object serves as the second one’s subject.

Nǐ zhǎodào Hànyǔ xuéxiào le ma?

16. 你找到汉语学校了吗?

Did you find a Chinese school?

*“找” is a verb, and “到” is a result complement. In Chinese, most adjectives as well as

some verbs can be used after a verb to say the result of an action.

Nǐ ràng tāmen xiūxi yíxià ba.

17. 你让他们休息一下吧。

Just ask them to take a break.

*“吧” is usually used at the end of a sentence to indicate consultation, suggestion, request

or command.

Nǐ zài Hànyǔ xuéxiào xuéxí duō cháng shíjiān le?

18. 你在汉语学校学习多长时间了?

How long have been studying in your Chinese school?

*“多+adj.” is usually used to ask a content question. To answer this question, we usually

should give a specific number.Sān ge duō yuè le.

19. 三个多月了。

More than 3 months.

*“多” can be used with a numeral-measure word phrase to express approximate numbers.

When the number is less than 10, “多” should be put after the measure word. When a

number is an integer greater than 10, “多” should be put before the measure word.

Gēge shuō Hànyǔ shuōde zuì hǎo.

20. 哥哥说汉语说得最好。

My (elder) brother speaks the best.

*“最” is an adverb of degree. It’s usually used before adjectives or some psych verbs to

express the highest degree of something.

*The structure “sb+(v.)+object+v. +得+adj.” is usually used to describe the state, result or

degree of an action.

Wǒ yǒu jǐ dào tí méiyǒu kàn dǒng.

21. 我有几道题没有看懂。

I didn’t understand some questions.

*“几” can be also used to express approximate numbers, meaning several. “十几”, more

than ten; “几十”, dozens of.

Xīnnián de shíhou, nǐ zhǔnbèi zuò shénme?

22. 新年的时候, 你准备做什么?

What are you going to do in the New Year?*“Time words+的时候” and “verb phrase+的时候” are indicating a specific time, meaning

“when (sometime)” or “when (sth happened)”.

Wǒmen kěnéng huì qù Tàiguó.

23. 我们可能会去泰国。

We may go to Thailand.

*“可能” means maybe. It can be used before or after the subject of a sentence.

Nǐ qùguo Tàiguó ma?

24. 你去过泰国吗?

Have you ever been to Thailand?

*“过” is an aspect particle. It’s usually used after a verb to indicate a past experience or

action which hasn’t lasted to the present.

Cóng Běijīng dào Tàiguó yào duō cháng shíjiān?

25. 从北京到泰国要多长时间?

How long does it take from Beijing to Thailand?

*“从 A 到 B”means “from A to B”. It’s usually used to express a period of time, a distance,

a process or a sequence.

Zhè shì Dàwèi de, zhè shì Màikè hé Ānnà de.

26. 这是大卫的, 这是麦克和安娜的。

This is for David, and these are Mike’s and Anna’s.

*In Chinese, “的” can be used after a pronoun, an adjective or a verb to form a phrase

which is equivalent to a nominal phrase with its headword omitted.

Nà shì Lǐ Míng mǎi de.

27. 那是李明买的。

Li Ming bought it.

*The structure “Sth. 是 Sb.+Verb+的” is usually used to emphasize the agent of an action.

Hái kěyǐ.

28. 还可以。

Not bad.

* “还+adj” means something is passable or acceptable.

Dànshì Tàiguó de tiānqì yǒudiǎnr rè.

29. 但是泰国的天气有点儿热。

It’s a little hot in Thailand.

*“有点儿+adj.” indicates the speaker’s negative mood or complaint.

Wǒmen míngtiān yìqǐ qù mǎi dōngxi, hǎo ma?

30. 我们明天一起去买东西, 好吗?

Shall we go shopping together tomorrow?

*“好吗” literally means “is it OK?” It’s usually used after a statement to ask for someone’s

idea or opinion.

Nàli de yīfu jiàn jiàn dōu hěn piàoliang.

31. 那里的衣服件件都很漂亮。

Every piece of clothing is beautiful there.

*When a measure word is duplicated, it means “every or each”.

Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yí jiàn nǚháizi chuān de yīfu.

32. 我想买一件女孩子穿的衣服。

I’d like to buy a dress for girls.

* In Chinese, a verb phrase can be used as an attributive modifier to express what or how

the headword is. Between the attribute and the headword, we should add a structural

particle “的”.

Fěnsè de bǐ hēisè de hǎokàn.

33. 粉色的比黑色的好看。

The pink one looks better than the black one.

*The structure “A 比 B + adj.” is usually used to make a comparison, means “A is more

adj. than B”.

Fěnsè de bǐ hēisè de hǎokàn, jiù yào fěnsè de ba.

34. 粉色的比黑色的好看, 就要粉色的吧。

The pink one looks better than the black one. I’ll take the pink one.

*The structure “就+V.” indicates a conclusion or a resolution made on the basis of what’s

been mentioned previously.

Dàwèi jīntiān zěnme méi lái gōngsī?

35. 大卫今天怎么没来公司?

Why didn’t David come to the office today?

*“怎么” can be used to ask the reason for something, indicating surprise or astonishment.

Yīnwèi tā méiyǒu xiūxi hǎo, suǒyǐ shēngbìng le.

36. 因为他没有休息好, 所以生病了。

He fell ill because he didn’t have a good rest.*“因为…所以…” connects two clauses that indicate causality, the former clause indicates

the cause and the latter one indicates the result.

Dàwèi, nǐ zěnme hái méi shuìjiào?

37. 大卫,你怎么还没睡觉?

David, why are you still up?

* “还” means still. It’s always used in the pattern “sb+还+在+do sth” to indicate the

continuation of an action or state. And the negative form of this pattern is “sb+还没+do sth”.

Zuì shǎo hái yào yí ge xīngqī ne!

38. 最少还要一个星期呢!

It will take at least a week!

*In Chinese, “呢” can be used at the end of a statement to impart a certain mood. It’s

used when trying to sound more confident and convincing to someone else.

Dōu qī diǎn le, bàba zěnme hái méi huílái?

39. 都七点了,爸爸怎么还没回来?

It’s seven o’clock. Why hasn’t Dad come back?

*The structure “都……了” is usually used to show a tone of emphasis or discontent.

Lìlì hé LǐMíng liù diǎn jiù dào le.

40. 丽丽和李明六点就到了。

Lili and Li Ming already arrived at six o’clock.

*“就” emphasizes that the speaker believes that something happens early or proceeds

quickly and smoothly.Nǐ wǎng zuǒbiān zhàn yìdiǎnr.

41. 你往左边站一点儿。

David, why are you still up?

* “往” is a preposition which means towards. It usually used in the structure “往+ direction

/position + V.” to indicate the direction.

Jiù yào dào Zhōngguó de xīnnián le.

42. 就要到中国的新年了。

The Chinese New Year is coming.

*In Chinese, the structure “就要/快要/快/要……了”indicates that something is about to


Wǒ dìdi láiguò yí cì.

43. 我弟弟来过一次。

My brother came here once.

*“次” is a measure word which means time. “number+次” usually used after a verb to

indicate the number of times that an action has taken place. When the object is a place,

“Num.+次” can be put either before or after the object, when the object is a person, “Num.+

次” can only be put after the object.

Tā shuōde bǐ wǒ hǎo.

44. 她说得比我好。

She speaks better than me.

*When a state complement and a comparison appear in the same sentence, the structure

is “A 比 B+V.得 adj. / A+V.得+比+B+adj.” it means A do sth more adj. than B.

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