Love Beyond Language Barriers: How to Flirt in Chinese

We’ve got tons of vocabulary and phrases that’ll help you impress native speakers who’ve captured your eye. Plus, we’ll give you some cultural context, since flirting in Chinese is about so much more than just knowing the right words.

With these flirty phrases, you’ll be furthering your immersive learning experience and building some essential vocabulary—even if you don’t meet your soul mate.

Ready to get your flirt on?

Mandarin Chinese Flirting Phrases
你想约会吗? (Nǐ xiǎng yuē huì ma?) — Would you like to go out?

Be completely and totally honest with Chinese women about your intentions and don’t beat around the bush. Be blunt about wanting to go out, but don’t be aggressive about it.

甜言蜜语 (Tián yán mì yǔ) — sweet speech honey language

Also known as Chinese “sweet couple talk,” this is essentially like the Western version of flirtatiously talking.

In some places, sweet couple talk is different only in its use of more formal terms. Think “我对你感兴趣 (wǒ duì nǐ gǎn xìng qu) — I’m fond of you” instead of the typical Western “I like you.”

Sweet couple talk also includes all the obligatory cute pet names and phrases as well:

宝贝 (bǎo bèi) — Baby/Babe

亲爱的 (qīn ài de) — Dear/Darling

漂亮 (piào liang) — Pretty. This can be used as a noun or as an adjective: 你好漂亮! (nǐ hǎo piào liang!) — You are so pretty!

美丽 (měi lì) — Beautiful

帅 (shuài) — Handsome

女朋友 (nǚ péng yǒu) — Girlfriend/Significant other (female)

男朋友 (nán péng yǒu) — Boyfriend/Significant other (male)

我爱你 (wǒ ài nǐ) — I love you

Ah, the most basic yet powerful phrase ever. Of course, you shouldn’t throw this around willy-nilly, and if the situation calls for it, you could even express your love with a bit more poetry other than the basic “I love you.” There are other terms you can use for different situations as well:

愛老虎你 (ai lǎo hǔ nǐ) — I love you. This is a more humorous and “teasing” way of saying I love you.

我喜欢你 (wǒ xǐ huān nǐ) — I like you.

我想跟你在一起 (wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ zài yī qǐ
) — I want to be with you/I want us to be together.

我暗恋你 (wǒ àn liàn nǐ) — I’m crushing on you.

我好想你 (wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ) — I miss you.

我想带你出去吃饭 (wǒ xiǎng dài nǐ chū qù chī fàn) — I’d like to take you to dinner.

Again, the bluntness is very much appreciated in most Mandarin-speaking cultures.

Another alternative would be 你想吃一点东西吗 (nǐ xiǎng chī yī diǎn dōng xī ma)? — Do you want to eat something small?/Do you want to eat a little something?

在我眼里你是最美的。(zài wǒ yǎn lǐ nǐ shì zuì měi de.) — To me, you are the most beautiful./In my eyes, you are the most beautiful.

Again, don’t throw something like this around! Pick-up lines are cheesy.

Use this term if you’re expressing your affection to someone you’ve known for a while.

你想回到我家吗? (nǐ xiǎng huí dào wǒ jiā ma?) — Would you like to come back to my place?

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Consent is important all over the world, so be sure to get a clear 是! (shì!) — Yes! or 不 (bù!) — No!

A more casual form of this phrase would be 你想回不回到我家吗? (nǐ xiǎng huí bù huí dào wǒ jiā ma?) — Would you like to come back to my place?

我喜欢你的笑容。(wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de xiào róng.) — I like your smile.

Come on, what woman or man wouldn’t blush at this?

你很甜 (nǐ hěn tián) — You’re so sweet.

If you’re being told this with a shy smile, congratulations! She/he is probably digging you! And if you want to test the waters to confirm if someone is similarly flirting with you, throw one of these at them. Their response and body language will have your answer.

Source: fluentu

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