HSK Level 3- Example Sentences

//HSK 3 Examples

5点1刻 5Diǎn1 kè

Quarter past 5

10000米 10000Mǐ

10,000 meters

四五千个 Sìwǔqiāngè

4 or 5 thousand of

800多人 800Duō rén

Over 800 people

一双鞋 Yīshuāng xié

A pair of shoes

两条鱼 Liǎng tiáo yú

Two fishies

第10层 Dì 10 céng

10th floor

3角5分 Jiǎo 5 fēn

35 cents

两种 Liǎng zhǒng

Two types

他坐了一会儿。 Tā zuòle yīhuǐ’er.

He stayed for a while.

快一点儿。 Kuài yīdiǎn er.

Hurry up.

我明天一定来。 Wǒmíngtiān yīdìng lái.

I’ll come tomorrow for sure

我们必须想个好办法。 Wǒmenbìxū xiǎnggè hǎobànfǎ.

We have to think of a good plan.

明天会更好。Míngtiān huì gèng hǎo.

Tomorrow will be better.

雨越下越大。Yǔyuè xiàyuè dà.

Rain is getting heavier.

这儿的西瓜特别甜。 Zhè’er de xīguātèbié tián.

The watermelon here is very sweet.

这些孩子多可爱呀! Zhèxiē háizi duō kě’ài ya!

These children are so cute!

她唱得好极了! Tā chàng de hǎojíle!

She sang really well!

中国的大城市,我几乎都去过。 Zhōngguó de dà chéngshì, wǒ jīhū dōuqùguò.

Chinese big cities; I have been to almost all of them.

这些药一共300元。Zhèxiē yào yīgòng 300 yuán.

These medicines together are RMB300.

我只去过一次北京。 Wǒzhǐqùguò yīcì běijīng.

I’ve only been to Beijing once.

我先说几句。Wǒxiān shuō jǐjù.

I will first say a few sentences.

他晚上11点才下班。 Tā wǎnshàng11 diǎncái xiàbān.

He didn’t get off work until 11 in the evening.

他的成绩一直很好。 Tā de chéngjī yīzhí hěn hǎo.

His grades are always very good.

她总是很忙。Tā zǒngshì hěn máng.

She is always very busy.

请安静,节目马上开始。 Qǐngānjìng, jiémù mǎshàng kāishǐ.

Please be quiet, the show is about to begin.

考试终于结束了。 Kǎoshìzhōngyú jiéshùle.

The exam finally ended.

这道题其实很容易。 Zhè dào tí qíshí hěnróngyì.

This problem is actually very easy.

那样做当然不可以。 Nàyàng zuò dāngránbù kěyǐ.

Doing that is of course not allowed.

今天他又迟到了。 Jīntiān tā yòu chídàole.

He is late again today.

最近他经常去爬山。 Zuìjìn tā jīngcháng qù páshān.

Recently he has often gone climbing.

房子虽然旧了,但是很干净。 Fángzi suīránjiùle, dànshì hěn gānjìng.

Although the house is old, it is very clean.

虽然X,但是Y。 Suīrán X, dànshì Y.

Although X, Y.

她会说汉语,而且说得很好。 Tā huì shuō hànyǔ,érqiě shuō de hěn hǎo.

She can speak Chinese, and can speak very well.

先吃饭,然后去看电影。 Xiān chīfàn, ránhòu qù kàn diànyǐng.

First eat, and then watch a movie.

先X,然后Y。 Xiān X, ránhòu Y.

First X, then Y.

如果大家都同意,就这样决定了。 Rúguǒdàjiā dōu tóngyì, jiù zhèyàng juédìngle.

If everyone agrees, then we’ll decide on this.

他一边上网,一边听音乐。 Tā yībiān shàngwǎng,yībiān tīng yīnyuè.

He is web surfing, and also listening to music.

一边X,一边Y。 Yībiān X, yībiān Y.

Doing X, and also Y at the same time.

给我打电话或者发电子邮件都可以。 Gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà huòzhě fādiànzǐyóujiàn dōu kěyǐ.

Give me a call or send an email, both will do.

我们是打车还是坐地铁? Wǒmenshì dǎchēháishì zuò dìtiě?

Are we getting a taxi or taking the subway?

为了解决环境问题,人们想了很多办法。 Wèile jiějuéhuánjìng wèntí, rénmen xiǎnglehěnduō bànfǎ.

To solve environmental problems, people think of a lot of solutions.

除了画画儿,她还喜欢跳舞。 Chúle huà huà er, tāhái xǐhuantiàowǔ.

Besides painting, she also likes to dance.

请把空调打开。 Qǐngbǎkòngtiáo dǎkāi.

Please switch on the air conditioning.

鱼被小猫吃了。 Yú bèi xiǎo māo chīle.

The fish was eaten by the cat.

关于这段历史,我知道得很少。 Guānyú zhè duàn lìshǐ, wǒzhīdào de hěn shǎo.

About this piece of history, I know very little.

我们应该在周末开个会。 Wǒmenyīnggāi zài zhōumò kāi gè huì.

We should have a meeting at the weekend.

你愿意和我结婚吗? Nǐyuànyì hé wǒjiéhūn ma?

Are you willing to marry me?

你敢骑马吗?Nǐ gǎn qímǎ ma?

Do you dare to ride a horse?

她高兴地笑了。 Tā gāoxìng de xiàole.

She laughed happily.

他是经理吗?Tā shì jīnglǐma?

Is he the manager?

真漂亮啊! Zhēn piàoliang a!

Very pretty!

他没去看电影。 Tā méi qù kàn diànyǐng.

He didn’t go to the movie.

你别忘了带护照。 Nǐbié wàngle dài hùzhào.

Don’t forget to bring your passport.

你决定了没有? Nǐjuédìngle méiyǒu?

have you decided yet?

您要两张票,对吗? Nín yào liǎng zhāng piào, duì ma?

You need two tickets, right?

中午吃面条儿,可以吗? Zhōngwǔchī miàntiáo er, kěyǐ ma?

Noodles for lunch, can we?

你喝茶还是喝咖啡? Nǐ hēchá háishì hē kāfēi?

Do you want tea or coffee?

真干净! Zhēngānjìng!

So clean!

他跑得多快啊! Tā pǎode duō kuài a!

He ran very fast.

好极了! Hǎo jíle!


他和我一样高。 Tā hé wǒ yīyànggāo.

He and I are the same height.

上海没有北京那么冷。 Shànghǎi méiyǒuběijīng nàme lěng.

Shanghai is not as cold as Beijing.

我把衣服洗了。 Wǒ bǎ yīfúxǐle.

I had the clothes washed.

行李箱被司机拿走了。 Xínglǐxiāng bèi sījī ná zǒule.

The luggage was taken by the driver.

他每天骑车上班。 Tā měi tiān qí chē shàngbān.

He bikes to work every day.

桌子上放着一本书。 Zhuōzi shàng fàngzhe yī běnshū.

There is a book on the table.

小王叫我去他家玩儿。 Xiǎowáng jiào wǒqù tā jiā wán er.

Xiao Wang asked me to his house to play.

不但…而且…Bùdàn… érqiě

Not only… but also…

只有…才… Zhǐyǒu… cái…

Only… can…

我学中文很有『热情』。 rèqíng

I am 『enthusiastic』 about studying Chinese.

今天我有很多『事情』要做。 shìqing

Today I have lots of 『things』 to do.

我『同意』你的话。 tóngyì

I 『agree』 with what you said. 『(lit. same opinion)』

我『愿意』和你一起去。 yuànyì

I am 『willing』 to go with you.

请大家『注意』。 zhùyì

Please 『pay attention』 Everyone.

我对你做的菜很『满意』。 mǎnyì

I am 『pleased』 with your cooking.

这是什么『意思』? yìsi

What does this 『mean』?

我很『习惯』吃中国菜。 xíguàn

I am 『used to』 eating Chinese food.

我天天『练习』中文。 liànxí

I 『practice』 Chinese every day.

我『复习』汉语水平考试。 fùxí

I am 『revising』 for the HSK exam.

我喜欢学『数学』。 shùxué

I like studying 『maths』.

我在加拿大『留学』。 liúxué

I am 『studying abroad』 in Canada.

我们的『校长』很胖。 xiàozhǎng Our

『principal/head』is fat.

春节是中国最大的『节日』。 jiérì

Spring festival is China’s biggest 『holiday』.

今天的电视『视目』很好看。 jiémù

Today’s TV 『programmes』 look very good.

我最喜欢的『季节』是夏季。 jìjié

My favourite 『season』 is summer.

我『先』吃饭,再去睡觉。 xiān

I eat 『first』, then sleep.

你为什么『生气』 shēngqì

Why are you 『upset』?

我喜欢和我妈妈『聊天』。 liáotiān

I like to 『chat』 with my mother.

我们的花『特别』香。 tèbié

Our flowers smell 『especially』 good.

我『不但』说中文,还说英文。 búdàn

I 『not only』 speak Chinese, but also English.

你想吃包子『还是』饺子? háishi

Do you want to eat buns 『or』 dumplings?

你的三明治『总是』特别好吃! zǒngshì

Your sandwiches are 『always』 especiallys good!

我惊天『还』没有吃午饭。 hái

I haven’t eaten lunch today 『yet』.

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