2024 Recruitment Brochure for Taiwanese High School Graduates at Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine 2024年招收台湾高中毕业生招生简章
江西中医药大学2024年依据台湾地区大学入学考试学科能力测试成绩招收台湾高中毕业生招生简章江西中医药大学创建于1959年。学校是教育部、国家中医药管理局与江西省人民政府共建公办普通本科高校。学校现有全日制在校生19000余人,设有教育教学机构17个,拥有直属附属医院3所,非直属附属医院9所。学校师资力量雄厚,现有专任教师1180人。学校以中医学、中药学学科为主体,医、理、工、文、经、管、艺、教育等多学科协调发展。有中医学、...- 36
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2021 Guidebook for Overseas Undergraduate Program Applicants
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 2021 Guidebook for Overseas Undergraduate Program Applicants I. Application (1)Eligibility for Application 1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People‘s Republic of China, and be in good health. 2. The applicant must possess education background equivalent to or above Chinese high school education. 3. The applicant's Chinese proficiency must reach the new HSK Level 4 with a score of 180 or more (not required for those who have completed secondary or higher education program based on using Chinese as teaching medium). 4. International student applicants with former permanent residency in P.R. China (Mainland), China-Hong Kong, China-Macau or China-Taiwan having emigrated abroad, must provide evidence for possession of current valid foreign passport or nationality documentation for more than 4 years (inclusive), and evidence or proof of actual residency abroad for more than 2 years within the previous 4 years period calculated by the 30th of April prior to the end of the academic year (actual residency is calculated by total of residency abroad for more than 9 months per year, subject to valid entry and exit date stamps on travel document). (2) Application Materials to Apply Undergraduate Program of…- 22
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2021 Guidebook for Overseas Postgraduate Program Applicants
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 2021 Guidebook for Overseas Postgraduate Program Applicants I. Application (1) Eligibility for Application 1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People‘s Republic of China, and be in good health. 2. The applicants for master's programs must have a bachelor's degree. The applicants for doctoral programs must have a master's degree. 3. All applicants require to have at least two written recommendation letters from two associate professors or scholars with equivalent or above academic titles related to the major applying for. 4. Applicants applying for a Chinese Medicine professional degree (in clinical) Master program, should have graduated from a 5-year (Full-time) Chinese Medicine related program of a university in the mainland of China, and obtained bachelor’s degree from the above-mentioned university. 5. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs should obtain a minimum score of 180 or above in New HSK Level 5. Applicants for English-taught programs from non-English-speaking countries are required to pass the language proficiency test at the University. 6. International student applicants,with former permanent residency in P.R. China (Mainland), China-Hong Kong, China-Macau or China-Taiwan having emigrated abroad, must provide evidence for possession of current valid foreign passport or nationality documentation for…- 23
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