Astonishing tide of Hangzhou’s Qiantang River staged

Astonishing tide of Hangzhou's Qiantang River staged

On the 18th day of the seventh lunar month (August 21), the annual “Ghost King Tide” of Qiantang River was staged, attracting numerous tourists.

Astonishing tide of Hangzhou's Qiantang River staged

Ghost King Tide [ Photo by Fan Fangbin]

The best time to watch the tide is the 18th day of the eighth lunar month. Due to the differences in terrain, the tides have various postures, such as “one-line bore” and “cross bore”.

Astonishing tide of Hangzhou's Qiantang River staged

One-line bore [Photo/People’s Daily Zhejiang Daily]

Astonishing tide of Hangzhou's Qiantang River staged

Double-color cross bore [Photo/Beautiful Zhejiang]

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