Animal care and protection proposed for better pet ownership

Political adviser Chen Yongliang has proposed a comprehensive “companion animal protection system” for pet ownership.

The effort seeks to promote animal care and veterinary services and cultivate a society that values its furry companions.

Chen’s plan addresses a major issue: while more households adopt pets, the city’s animal protection system is outdated.

He delivered three proposals:

First, he advocates strong animal protection laws. These would establish the legal rights of companion animal and pet owners’ responsibilities, including required registration, adequate care, and severe penalties for abandonment or mistreatment.

The idea also requires all animal trade transactions to meet health and ethical standards under government control.

Animal care and protection proposed for better pet ownership Ke Jiayun / SHINE

Chen Yongliang, a political adviser attending the Two Sessions

Second, Chen promotes better vet care. He recommends adding animal clinics in urban planning for equitable distribution, especially in suburbs. Financial incentives like tax rebates and subsidies can attract firms to underdeveloped areas.

Standardizing certifications, treatment regimens, and clinic ratings would improve care quality and reliability.

Finally, Chen emphasizes public education. He suggests including animal welfare in school curricula to foster early respect for animals.

Public efforts, including media, community events, and expert conversations, can encourage ethical pet ownership and raise knowledge of animal protection regulations.


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