Ti Gong
Free medical consultations are launched at Ruijin Hospital on Monday to offer guidance on chronic disease prevention and control.
A local chronic disease prevention and control scheme has been widely promoted nationwide and even recognized by authorities in Macao, which has participated in the Shanghai’s Ruijin Hospital’s metabolic management center project.
Officials from Macao’s health sector said that they had included the disease management format introduced to Ruijin’s MMC into Macao’s health blueprint. At Kiang Wu Hospital in Macao, its MMC has offered 9,644 services since starting the scheme in the past year, with positive effects.
The metabolic management center project has been promoted to over 1,900 other domestic hospitals, which carry out unified medical screening, intervention, management, and education of metabolic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.
Since 2016, the percentage of diabetes patients whose data are under the control of hospitals with MMCs has increased from 22.7 to 53.2.
About 12.8 percent of Chinese adults have diabetes. In Shanghai, the incidence for people over 35 years old is 21.6 percent. Among patients who are undergoing treatment, only 30 percent have their glucose levels under control.
Ti Gong
The Shanghai Health Commission honors 30 for their great performance on Monday, Chinese Doctors’ Day.
In addition to establishing a disease management network in different levels of hospitals, the local government is promoting the same to office buildings this month, when Ruijin Hospital and Huangpu District Health Commission will introduce health service stations to offer chronic disease screening and intervention for office workers, who have a high prevalence of metabolic diseases due to a rapid pace of life, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and high stress.
“Instead of waiting for patients at hospitals, medical staff should go to the public to promote health education and intervention before people suffer diseases or suffer serious consequences,” said Dr Wang Weiqing, director of Ruijin Hospital’s endocrinology and metabolism department on Monday, when free medical consultations on chronic diseases were launched to mark Chinese Doctors’ Day.
Various events and medical education and consultation activities were launched in the city on Monday, when Shanghai honored 30 doctors as “Shanghai Good Doctors” for their high-end medical skills, dedication to patients, and innovative spirit in clinical research.
There are 92,300 doctors and 310,000 health staff in the city, whose medical facilities offered 266 million services last year to protect public health and safety.
Ti Gong