HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading

About HSK

The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK; Chinese: 汉语水平考试; pinyin: Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì), translated as the Chinese Proficiency Test,is the standardized test of Standard Chinese (a type of Mandarin Chinese) language proficiency of China for non-native speakers such as foreign students and overseas Chinese. The test is administered by the Hanban, an agency of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

About HSK 5

HSK 5 assesses test takers’ abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level V of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the C1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays and give a full-length speech in Chinese.

HSK 5 Learning Materials Details

1, Students textbook

  • HSK 5 Standard Course
HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading
  • HSK 5 Standard Course Reference Answers
HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading

2, Audio Materials

HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading

3, HSK 5 Teacher’s Book

HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading

4, HSK 5 Lesson Powerpoint File

HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading

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HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading


HSK 1 Learning Materials: Free

HSK 2 Learning Materials: Free

HSK 3 Learning Materials: Pay 4.9 RMB

HSK 4 Learning Materials: Pay 9.9 RMB

HSK 5 Learning Materials: Pay 9.9 RMB

HSK 6 Learning Materials: Pay 9.9 RMB


All Learning Materials of HSK 1 to HSK 6: Pay totally 19.9 RMB


Course Materials

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HSK 5 Complete Learning Materials for Downloading


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7 comment A文章作者 M管理员
  1. Excellent Materials !

  2. These learning materials are for HSK 5上, do you have the HSK 5下 materials for downloading?

  3. Excellent

  4. These learning materials are for HSK 5上 and HSK 5下.

  5. Good materials

  6. heyitsmejanee

    I can’t pay through Paypal, whyy?

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