Jining 济宁


Chinese Name: 济宁

English Name: Jining;Tsining

Other Name: Longcheng龙城;Hucheng壶城

Abbreviation: 柳 Liu

Zip Code: 27 20 00

Population: 8.357 million

Jining 济宁
Jining 济宁

Brief Introduction

Jining 济宁 is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province, one of the central cities of Huaihai Economic Zone, a famous historical and cultural city, and a waterfront eco-tourism city approved by the Shandong provincial government.

Jining is located in the east and west of the mountain in the south, bordering Linyi in the east, bordering Heze in the west, Zao Zhuang and Xuzhou in the south, and Taian in the north. The total area of the city is 11,000 square kilometers. Jining has a long history and culture and is one of the important birthplaces of Dongyi culture东夷文化, Chinese civilization华夏文明, Confucian culture儒家文化, water Margin culture水浒文化, and Canal culture运河文化. Jining is also a big city of resources. Nansi Lake, with a surface area of 1,260 square kilometers, is the largest freshwater lake in north China. Jining is the base of grain, cotton, and oil and characteristic agricultural products.

According to the seventh census data, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Jining city is 8.357 million. In 2021, Jining’s GDP will reach 506.996 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Jining

Jining city has a total of 2 the world cultural heritage, national key cultural relics protection units, 41 247 provincial, municipal, 378, has a national historical and cultural city 2, 3, China’s excellent tourism city in Shandong province scenic area 4, 20, more than 4 a grade scenic spot of Ming city holes 明故城 the first batch of tourism in China is 5 a grade scenic spot; There are 11 national and provincial industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites.

Jining 济宁
Confucius temple 孔庙

Some special scenic spots in Jining

  • Taibai Lake Scenic tourist resort 太白湖风景旅游度假区
  • Nishan Cultural tourism resort 尼山文化旅游度假区
  • Jining Han Monument 济宁汉碑
  • Confucius temple 孔庙
  • Kong lin 孔林
  • Confucius 孔府
  • Situated on the island 微山岛
  • Boonshang Temple 汶上宝相寺
  • The Mausoleum of King Luhuang in the Ming Dynasty 明鲁荒王陵
  • Wenshang Lotus Lake Wetland scenic spot 汶上莲花湖湿地景区

Famous Universities in Jining

By the end of 2018, There were 3,431 schools at all levels and of all types in Jining, including 7 regular colleges and universities, 20 secondary vocational schools (not including technical schools), 39 regular senior high schools, 265 regular junior high schools, 1,056 primary schools and 13 special education schools.

Jining 济宁
Guangxi University of Science and Technology 广西科技大学

List of universities and colleges in Jining

  • Qufu Normal University 曲阜师范大学
  • Jining Medical College 济宁医学院
  • Jining college 济宁学院
  • Shandong Vocational College of Technology 山东理工职业学院
  • Jining Vocational and Technical College 济宁职业技术学院
  • Jining Health Nursing College 济宁健康护理学院
  • Qilu Institute of Technology Qufu Campus 齐鲁理工学院曲阜校区
  • Shandong Foreign Affairs Vocational University Jinxiang Branch 山东外事职业大学金乡分校

Diet of Jining

Jining is one of the cradles of Shandong cuisine 鲁菜, with various local snacks and distinctive characteristics. In particular, local dishes such as Kongfu dishes孔府菜, Kongfu cakes, and Weishan Lake whole fish Feast enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad and are delicacies you can’t miss.

Jining 济宁
Four-nosed carp 四鼻鲤鱼

Some specialty snacks in Jining

  • Confucius food 孔府菜
  • Confucius pastry 孔府糕点
  • Four-nosed carp 四鼻鲤鱼
  • Sheldrake lie snow 麻鸭卧雪
  • Bobbin fish 筒子鱼
  • Floating fish ball soup 漂汤鱼丸
  • Eight treasure round fish 八宝圆鱼
  • Fried crucian carp roll in oil 油爆鲫鱼卷
  • Scalloped fried yellow vegetables 干贝熘黄菜
  • Dry dried shrimps 干崩虾仁
  • Egg and garlic 鸡蛋蒜  

Jining Transportation

Railway: There are the Beijing-Shanghai railway, Beijing-Kowloon Railway, and Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway in the north and south directions; the East and west direction of the new Yanshi railway, Japan – LAN high-speed rail

Roads: In the north and south directions, there are Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, Ji-Xu Expressway, and national roads 220, 104, and 105; In the east and west direction, there are Rilan Expressway, Zaoheze Express, Dongliang Expressway, and 327 National Road.

Aviation: Jining Qufu Airport 济宁曲阜机场is located in Jiaxiang County Paper Town, 20 kilometers southwest of Jining city.

Jining city amazing and wonderful city

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