Changchun 长春


Chinese Name: 长春

English Name: Changchun

Other Name: Beiguochuncheng 北国春城

Abbreviation: 长 Chang

Zip Code: 13 00 00

Population: 9.066 million

Changchun 长春
Changchun 长春

Brief Introduction

Changchun 长春 is a prefecture-level city, the provincial capital, the sub-provincial city of Jilin Province, the core city of Changchun city group, one of the central cities in northeast China, and an important industrial base approved by The State Council.

Changchun is located in the northeast of China region, is located in the geographic center of the northeast, respectively with Matsubara, siping, Jilin and Harbin border, is the northeast Asia economic circle center city, the famous old industrial base in China and new China’s first auto industrial base and film production base, has the “Oriental Detroit” 东方底特律and “Oriental Hollywood”东方好莱坞.

By 2020, Changchun has seven districts, one county, and three county-level cities under its jurisdiction, with a total area of 24,744 square kilometers and a permanent population of 9.066million. In 2021, Changchun achieved a GDP of 710.312 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Changchun

There are 1,621 educational schools of all kinds in Changchun (excluding kindergartens), including 41 regular colleges and universities, 8 adult colleges and universities, 94 secondary vocational schools, 73 regular senior high schools, 323 junior high schools, 1,061 primary schools, and 10 special education schools, and 1 work-study school.

Changchun 长春
Changchun World Sculpture Park 长春世界雕塑园

Some special scenic spots in Changchun

  • The Palace Museum of the Puppet Manchukuo 伪满皇宫博物院
  • Changchun World Sculpture Park 长春世界雕塑园
  • Jingyuetan National Forest Park 净月潭国家森林公园
  • Changying Century City 长影世纪城
  • Lianhuashan Ski Resort 莲花山滑雪场
  • Changchun Beihu National Wetland Park 长春北湖国家湿地公园
  • Changchun Animal and Plant Park 长春动植物公园
  • Chang Ying Old Site Museum 长影旧址博物馆
  • Changchun Agricultural Expo Park 长春农业博览园
  • Changchun Confucius Cultural Park 长春孔子文化园
  • Northeast National Folk Museum, Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学东北民族民俗博物馆
  • Temple Fragrant Hill Scenic Spot 庙香山风景区
  • Jilin Province Wine Culture Museum 吉林省酒文化博物馆
  • Kanto Cultural Park 关东文化园
  • Royal dragon hot spring 御龙温泉
  • Tianyi Hot Spring 天怡温泉
  • Changchun Lotus Island Film and Television Leisure Culture Park 长春莲花岛影视休闲文化园

Famous Universities in Changchun

Yantai 烟台 has 9 institutions of higher learning and 1 military college with 146,000 students. There are 50 secondary vocational schools with 92,000 students. There are 299 regular middle schools with 371,000 students. There are 509 primary schools with 256,000 students. There are 9 special education schools with 930 students.

Changchun 长春
Jilin university 吉林大学

List of universities and colleges in Changchun

  • Aviation University of PLA Air Force 中国人民解放军空军航空大学
  • Chinese People’s Liberation Army Armored Force Academy Sergeant school 中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院士官学校
  • Jilin university 吉林大学
  • Northeast Normal University 东北师范大学
  • Jilin Agricultural University 吉林农业大学
  • The Changchun University of Chinese Medicine 长春中医药大学
  • Changchun Normal University 长春师范大学
  • Changchun Institute of Engineering 长春工程学院
  • Jilin University of Finance and Economics 吉林财经大学
  • Changchun university 长春大学
  • Jilin Jianzhu University 吉林建筑大学
  • The Jilin University of Arts 吉林艺术学院
  • Jilin Physical Education Institute 吉林体育学院
  • Jilin Police College 吉林警察学院
  • Jilin Normal University of Engineering and Technology 吉林工程技术师范学院
  • Jilin College of Business and Technology 吉林工商学院

Diet of Changchun

Changchun is the birthplace of Jilin cuisine吉菜. Since ancient times, There have been Han, Korean, Mongolian, Manchu, and other nationalities living and multiplying in Changchun. The unique national food customs have objectively formed a unique and diversified Jilin cuisine food culture.

Changchun 长春
Xue Yi bean paste 雪衣豆沙

Some specialty snacks in Changchun

  • Changchun hoofed filaments 长春蹄花丝
  • Changchun land three fresh 长春地三鲜
  • Hui Baozhen dumplings 回宝珍饺子
  • Manchu eight bowls 满族八大碗
  • Xue Yi bean paste 雪衣豆沙
  • Leek flipping box 韭菜烙盒
  • Changchun sauce meat 长春酱肉
  • Ding Feng Zhen pastry 鼎丰真糕点
  • Roasted deer tail 烧鹿尾
  • Soiled dishes white meat hot pot 渍菜白肉火锅
  • White meat and blood sausage 白肉血肠

Transportation in Changchun

Aviation: Changchun Longjia International Airport长春龙嘉国际机场, located in Longjia Street, Jiutai District, Changchun city, is a civil 4E grade airport. It was officially opened to traffic on August 27, 2005. It is one of the four international airports in Northeast China, the gateway of Northeast Asia aviation hub, an important air traffic hub in Northeast Asia, and a major trunk airport under construction in China. Changchun Longjia International Airport has realized the seamless connection between the high-speed railway and the airport.

Subway: Changchun was the first city in China to have a subway plan, and the fifth city in mainland China to have rail transit. Changchun rail transit includes the Changchun subway and Changchun light rail. Changchun rapid rail transit network is planned to consist of 5 subways and 2 light rail lines. Five of them are subway lines (Line 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7), and two half-circle lines are light rail lines (Line 3 and 4), with a total length of 256 kilometers.


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